The good times are slowing rolling in as this "BAD YEAR" (for most) is coming to an end.
Just as this chapter of the Kruger National Park has to come to an end!
Fortunately it won't be for good as we plan to make many more trips in the future.
I think its time to move onto other adventures which I hope you enjoy or even yet want to go & try but thats for you to decide.
This beautiful place has captured my heart.
Elephants are in abundance but young bull elephants seem to charge us where ever we go,its kak scary but such a RUSH!
Leopards roam camouflaged causing congestion amongst us tourists unfortunately our camera aint the best so photo's of them were very blurry with the odd one or 2.We were rather fortunate to have a bush baby creep up on us whilst braaing.It was a metre away from me until I spotted it,then it quickly rushed up out of reach to begin its cleaning process before it headed out into the night.
We were surprised to hardly see Zebra during our week stay (we saw about 8 ).
Wierdly seeing an Albino Impala walking about eating as it fitted in with all the others.
A Honoury Ranger we spoke to said that he once saw an albino Buffalo (imagine that).
Two young Hyena pups chill by the side of the road like they in the Bahamas while its mother looks for food.
We saw loads of birds,a Unique spotting & just an overwhelming experience.
One highlight was of the Grey Headed Bush-Shrike attacking a Boomslang.
Hornbills & Glossy Starlings everywhere picking up our crumbs right under our feet just shows how "scared" they are.
Birds of prey were not much in sight but Vultures were out ,scanning for food.We have never seen so many Lilac Breasted Rollers in our lives!They were everywhere & their plumage was stunning.
Storks were many Suprsingly,Clicking away to capture them was a blessing.
As we saw soo much,its really hard to share everything whilst other stories wait to be told so...