Finally I have some time to continue here with my blog!Its been quite stressful,busy studying & working while trying to have some fun at the same time!I did manage to sneak in a little getaway down to the south coast by Marina beach at the San Lameer holiday Resort which our good friend organised for a whole bunch of us for the weekend.
On Friday afternoon,after work,we hurried home & packed the car & off we went.The traffic was so busy,I can't believe how many cars there are on the roads now days,its HECTIC!It was quite a quick journey,looking at the different scenery,the people along the freeway selling their fruit (which makes me wonder how well they actually do as there is so many of them) & checking a few nice barrels near our destination which got me so ampt.
Once we were there,we got settled in & out came the drinks,got a braai going.
Soon we were all eating & talking kak,catching up.Time flew by & soon we were all in bed hoping to be ready for the early morning surf.
THE NEXT MORNING........................................................................................................................!
That's what it felt like.We had big spirits & a mission to surf some different waves,we went on the hunt but to our disappointment the swell was gone & the wind was up!
All the beaches we checked were simply kak so we went for waffles.

We ended up being 3 seperate tables(a couple per table)
Acting all like complete strangers & randomly talking to each other ,like we just met was hilarious with alot of wondering strange looking eyes at us.Nonetheless it was all fun.
Back at the villa,we accidentally bump into some other friends of ours(such a small world it is).We ended up knocking some beers back while watching some rugby.Chilling on the balcony,I spotted a Burchells Coucal on the roof,in the open.As I manage to get my camera,it flies away,so typical.The rest of that afternoon involved me photographing birds.
That evening,I got another braai started(so anxious to get my 1kg T-bone steak on the fire),opened up more beers & the evening got away.My mates rented a golf cart & later in the evening,we went galavanting.The girls were reminiscing at this other villa they stayed at many years ago.Driving about in the dark while I every so now & then jump off & run faster than the cart,That was quite funny but phew,exhilarating.
I was up early Sunday morning with no signs of a hangover but annoyed as to why there were cats running all over the roof!I soon realised once I got my sense back that they were Vervet Monkeys & I was just missing my Boy Rambo(A 3 week old cat that we rescued in the pouring rain).
Dave,his wife & I headed down to the beach hoping our luck would change,it clearly didn't!
So everyone got packing & off they went back to Durban while we stayed behind to watch the rugby world cup final!
Eventually we got going & managed to add two new birds to our sighting list(Common Whimbrel,Common Starling).We also got a little shore break wave which made our trip just that little bit worth it but the best was yet to come.Off to Oribi Gorge for the highest bridge swing in the world at about 100m high or more.I must say it was quite intimidating,to just jump off,throw your life,your trust into the rope & harness that I was in.But I tell you,Its all worth it!If you have done this or sky dived(I haven't YET) you would know what a feeling this is!!!
I made a video of my jump so enjoy...
wow awesome